However, the pressure from manufacturers and consumers has been so great that Microsoft has been forced to increase the deadline for another five months until June. Microsoft has had to allow PC manufacturers to continue to sell XP on new PCs, setting a deadline for the last sale at 31 January next year. But Outlook, Windows Mobile and Blackberries, can sync calendar, contact, notes. You can sync an Android, iPhone, Blackberry, Windows Mobile device, or Symbian phone with Funambols server. XP has proved to be more popular than its younger sibling, with the first six months of US retail sales of box copies of Vista 59.7 percent below those of XP's in the equivalent period after its release. Funambol 圆4 is a free internet cloud based solution that. But the volume of ads has paled in comparison to the ads run for XP." Much like Apple educating the masses about the possibilities of the iPhone, or focusing on a single feature or benefit of the Mac OS in the Mac versus PC commercials, Microsoft should be educating the masses about the various new features in a heavy rotation of Vista in TV, radio and print ads. This free software is an intellectual property of Research In Motion. We cannot confirm if there is a free download of this software available. "The problem is that there are a lot of complex new features in Vista, and you need to educate consumers about them. Download of BlackBerry Desktop Manager was on the developers website when we last checked. Microsoft has not done enough to make users aware of the benefits of Vista, NPD analyst Chris Swenson said at the conference.

"Frankly, the world wasn't 100 percent ready for Windows Vista," corporate vice president Mike Sievert said in a recent interview at Microsoft's partner conference in Denver. blackberry desktop manager driver for mac download Posted on Jby admin Here’s the verbage from RIM on It’s sleek, intuitive and helpful the exact opposite of BlackBerry Desktop Manager itself. Microsoft admits that the launch has not run as well as it would have liked.