Little Nightmares 2 is available now for PC, PlayStation, Switch, and Xbox. Bandai Namco has expressed interest in continuing the series, so Little Nightmares fans shouldn't lose hope for a third game. If Little Nightmares 3 does happen, it could be another prequel or a true sequel to Little Nightmares and expand upon the already tricky, somewhat circular timeline. What is the signal tower, and who controls it? Little Nightmares wouldn't be the franchise that it is if there were definitive answers for all of these questions, but there's definitely more story to tell. Granted, there are ways the team could have gotten around that, even switching over to a cut scene would have worked just fine, but keeping total control over the second character allowed Little Nightmares 2 to deliver the big Thin Man payoff with maximum dramatic effect.Mono's true identity as the Thin Man reveals the characters are stuck in a time loop of some kind Mono had to battle the Thin Man earlier in the game, but will he ever escape it? Does Six really grow up to be a new Lady, or is she the existing Lady stuck in a time loop of her own? Her fate could be something else entirely, and the Little Nightmares community has no shortage of theories about what it could be. It seems extremely unlikely a player would want to have Six drop Mono to his death, especially if they were a co-op partner. It stands to reason that if someone was controlling Mono and another player was controlling Six, the big payoff would have been harder to produce. Marvik even talked about how he thought players controlling both characters would "ruin" the story. He mentioned that the developer thought handing over control to one of the characters wouldn't allow the story to unfold like it wanted. When Marvik was explaining why there isn't a co-op feature in Little Nightmares 2, he talked about how they decided to make the second character AI controlled.

Outside the game, one particular interview with senior narrative designer Dave Marvik included several hints in hindsight. Six thought she could drop Mono to his death and, essentially, end the nightmare before it begins. It's possible that once she sees who Mono really is, or is going to become at some point, she realizes that she might be able to kill the villain before he becomes a threat. 'We have a whisk' This year's Gamescom didn't have much in terms of big news ( aside from pissing in Death Stranding) - but one. Considering that Six is able to see her friend better and that she seems to stare hard right at Mono before dropping him, it appears as though she notices the similarities in her companion and the evil presence. An interview about what the hell's going on in Little Nightmares 2. The man, or perhaps the creature, is the main antagonist of Little Nightmares 2. When the blob dissipates and moves on, where Mono once stood is now the Thin Man. Once Mono meets his fate, players realize it appears it truly is a fate worse than death. It turns out it appears this was the reason for introducing a second character into Little Nightmares 2 all along. The final reveal, after Mono is caught by the blob of eyeballs, is hinted at throughout the game. These games are unsettling pieces of art that need to be experienced. And that's the bizarre tale of Little Nightmares 2. It appears that, since Six is no longer wearing any of her many hats in Little Nightmares 2, she can see Mono for who he truly is, or rather, she might finally be able to see him for what he eventually becomes. The events of this game were a prequel to the original Little Nightmares, as it shows the origins of Six's selfish survivalism, her impetus to reach The Maw, and the birth of her constant hunger. Run back and forth on the piano keys until you get this achievement / trophy. However, it turns out Mono has a very good reason for seemingly killing her new friend. Mono Tones: Very late in the chapter you’ll find a piano. The heroine seems to take a rather dark turn it even looks like perhaps she's turned bad. This time, after catching Mono, Six lets him go and the blob of eyeballs ends up catching him. That makes this particular twist that much more painful. The moment in Little Nightmares 2 mirrors several other scenes throughout the game where Six has saved her companion from falling and dying. Six lands safely and successfully, and is able to turn around and catch Mono just as he's about to miss and fall. Eventually, the two need to make a rather big jump over a deep crevasse. Six is transformed by Mono into her regular form, and this allows the pair to stay just ahead of the disgusting villain. Mono saves Six from the clutches of the game's Big Bad, the mushy blob of eyeballs. As the penultimate scene in Little Nightmares 2 unfolds, it seems as if players are going to get to see both characters run off into the sunset, or in this case, the sunrise.